Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Virtual Book Group

Hi Everyone!
I want to try something different for a study group this summer. As I've learned, we are a travelin' folk! Including myself. So finding an evening to have a book study is perhaps hard. So, here's my attempt. I want to try to do a book study via blog. Will it work? Unless we try, who knows?!

I've chosen "Christianity for the Rest of Us: How the Neighborhood Church is Transforming the Faith" by Diana Butler Bass. I've found it very interesting so far. And I think it will speak to many of us. She has identified a number of liberal progressive churches across the country in mainline denominations (not unlike Park Hill) that do not downplay their activism but have found vitality in deepening their practices of hospitality, contemplation, discernment, and seven more "signposts" of a vital congregation. It's a book I'd really love to have a number of people engage and I don't want to wait until we can find the time to fit it into the schedule.

I plan to begin the conversation on June 4 and will move to a new chapter or two every Wednesday - therefore, discussions on a particular chapter can go on for a week.

I'm going to order a few copies to have available at church; you can get a copy from the library or order online. It's about $10 on Amazon. If you buy it on, please go first to and choose Goodshop. It will show you several options, one of which is Amazon. Click on that icon and Park Hill Church will receive a percentage of your purchase.

I'm looking forward to trying this out.

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